Jason Bump Photography

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From Boring To Beautiful: 7 Tips To Style Product Photography With Props

Product photography is an essential part of any marketing strategy. It's the first point of contact between the customer and the product. The quality of the product photography can significantly impact the customer's perception of the brand and influence their purchase decision. The use of props can elevate product photography by creating an appealing visual narrative that draws in the customer's attention. This article will explore seven tips for styling product photography using props.

Tip #1: Use customer avatars to inform prop and scene selection

To create product photography that resonates with your target audience, it's essential to consider their interests, aspirations, and how they might see themselves using the product. By creating customer avatars representing your ideal buyers, you can better understand their preferences, lifestyles, and values, and use this information to inform your prop and scene selection.

For example, if your target audience is young professionals who are interested in health and wellness, use props that reflect this lifestyle, such as healthy breakfast items, fresh fruits, and Green tea instead of coffee. By using these props, you can create a scene that aligns with their interests and creates a sense of aspiration and inspiration.

When creating customer avatars, it's important to consider their demographics, psychographics, and behaviors, as well as their pain points and motivations. By understanding what drives your customers and how your product can address their needs, you can create product photography that speaks directly to them and motivates them to take action. Using customer avatars to inform your prop and scene selection, you can create product photography that is visually appealing, emotionally resonant, and effective in driving sales and building brand loyalty.

Want to see more from this shoot? Check out Avantera / Premium Nootropic Supplements Brand Campaign

Tip #2: Keep the brand's aesthetic in mind 

Another essential factor to consider when selecting props for product photography is the brand's visual identity. The props you choose should align with the brand's aesthetic and reinforce the brand's messaging. For instance, if the brand has a vintage-inspired aesthetic, use props with an aged patina or a retro vibe.

On the other hand, if the brand has a modern and minimalist aesthetic, you should consider using props with clean lines and a simple design. In the example above, the Gunnar blue light blocking eyewear photo is targeting a young professional in the technology field. By using modern work space accessories, electronics and trendy materials I am able to convey to the viewer this is the desk of a successful business person. Organizing the props in an orderly fashion is not only pleasing to the eye but also suggests this person is most likely a type A personality.

By keeping the brand's aesthetic and target customer in mind when selecting props, you can create product photography that feels on-brand and cohesive.

Want to see more prop styled eyewear photography examples? Check out my eyewear page.

Tip #3: Use props to convey product benefits

In addition to creating a visually appealing composition, props can also be used to showcase the product's features and benefits. For instance, if you're photographing a skincare product, use props that suggest hydration or rejuvenation, such as a spritz bottle or a plant. Similarly, if you're photographing a kitchen appliance like the one shown above, use props that suggest the health benefits of owning the product, such as fruits and vegetables used to make nutritious smoothies.

You can create a more persuasive and effective product photograph by using props that convey the product's implied benefits.

Tip #4: Pay attention to color and texture

Color and texture can play a significant role in product photography's overall look and feel. When selecting props, it's essential to pay attention to the color and texture of both the product and the props. For instance, if you're photographing a product with a smooth and glossy finish, use props with a matte texture to create contrast. Similarly, if you're photographing a product with a bright color palette like the Crocs shown above, use props with a muted tone to create visual interest. You can create a more visually dynamic composition by selecting props that complement the product's color and texture.

Tip #5: Use props to create context

Props can also be used to create a sense of place or context for the product. For instance, if you're photographing a product typically used outdoors, such as a camping stove, you should use props that suggest a camping trip, such as a tent or a campfire. Similarly, suppose you're photographing a product associated with a particular time of day, such as a natural supplement taken for relaxation. In this case, you might use props that suggest a relaxing evening at home. For this Avantera example I used a glass of red wine, a nut and cheese plate and an interesting book about Frank Lloyd Wright.

Want to see more from this shoot? Check out Avantera / Premium Nootropic Supplements Brand Campaign

Tip #6: Movement will catch your eye every time

While props can be a powerful tool in product photography, motion is another tool that can be used in conjunction with props to create interest. In this case for Crocs, we wanted to create a simple artistic composition featuring three clogs. Motion was introduced by animating several still frames using an animated gif. This is a technique I’ve employed with great success for social marketing campaigns in the past. The subtle movement catches the eye of potential customers when scrolling social feeds and also draws their eye straight to the product.

Tip #7: Use props to tell a story

Props can be a powerful tool to tell a story about the product and create an emotional connection with the customer. By using props that align with the product's theme or message, you can create a more engaging and memorable product photograph. For instance, if you're photographing a product that is based on a popular Viking-themed video game, you might want to use props that fit the era and location in which the game takes place, such as a fur pelt, a battle axe, and a tree stump found in the forests of Norway. By using these props, you can create a sense of adventure, strength, and authenticity that resonates with the customer and reinforces the product's branding.

When using props to tell a story, it's important to consider the product's messaging and the customer's interests and aspirations. By selecting props that tap into these emotional drivers, you can create a more powerful and effective product photograph that stands out from the competition and captures the customer's imagination.

By following these seven tips, you can create stunning product photography that uses props to enhance the product's visual appeal, showcase its features and benefits, create visual interest, provide context, and tell a compelling story. I hope these tips inspire you to unleash your creativity and experiment with different props and compositions to create product photographs that drive sales and build brand recognition.

Want to make your products stand out from the crowd without doing all the work sourcing props and shooting the photos yourself? Check out my product photography page and discover how I can create stunning images that capture your brand's unique personality.